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Q & A
Q&A for registering inquiries about estimates and suggestions on various products.
Please do not hesitate to inquire if help is needed, or if you have questions.
A charging person will provide detailed consultation after confirming.
Inquiries of products 

Apply if you need inquiries about products or estimates. A charging person will provide detailed consultation after confirming. Please indicate accurate telephone number and mobile number.

Information of estimate inquiries
Information of estimate inquiries
Routes to know about Astems
How to answer

*Agreement for collecting, using, and providing personal information

Agreement for collecting, using, and providing personal information
To Astems Corporation

      If your company collects or uses my personal information in regard of transactions with your company or providing it to a third party, my agreement is required according to the Article 15, paragraph 1, Article 17, paragraph 1, and Article 24, paragraph 1, in the [Privacy Protection Act]. Hereupon, I agree with collection, use, and provision of my personal information as follows.

1. Purpose of collection and use
¡à Purpose for collecting and using personal information
   - To register for the application of education on the education application board for users provided by Astems Corporation
¡à Contents of personal information to be collected and used
   - Required items: Name, telephone, cell phone
¡à Period of possessing and using personal information
   - 7 days since the user education is completed
¡à Disadvantages if not agreeing with required items
- If not agreeing with the required items of personal information, registration and provision of system are not seamless that system might not be ready to use.

Policies for using personal information